Saturday, March 7, 2009
Posted by Threejay's at 8:26 PM
3J girls
netballers in 3j and netball teacher, Mrs Koh
3J and 3J bonding!
and again....
Myeong Hyok wooohooo!! (and Adam)
Widia and XiaoFeng!
Hey!Your Highness here, i'll blog about the camp.
This post is dedicated for those who didn't go to the camp,
Jinghao and ofcos our dear
Camp was awesome for most i guess, it's a real pity some of you guys couldn't make it /: Well, during the first day though, everyone was complaining about the hot sun and dying for the last day to come. Well, since 3J had
only 16 people for camp, our class and 3H were combined and then separated into
Group 15 and 16.
Some people weren't happy about the arrangement, 'cos the main reason was to bond with classmates and not some unknown people from another class. But it didn't matter, we still had fun:D
During the second day, we walked for 3km plus before reaching the waterfalls. First and foremost, it was pretty awesome because we get seconds of splashing the water at whoever we wanted to. We took a class photo too, at the first waterfall. Sadly, i dont have the photos.
During the third day, we went kayaking. Well, due to my headache, i didn't go but i saw the rest of them kayak.
And guess what? Class E-J kayak 1km more than Class A-D, and also did it in a much faster timing! Power or what??!?!?
So if next time someone from class A-D shows off about whatever, tell them that! xD
Grp 15 & 16

The campfire was
awesome(to me)! I think pretty much everyone enjoys the campfire
right? I guess our cheer was abit.. 'screwed'. Ok. Because our cheer was kind of long and Darius
(from 3H) said some things wrongly.. But
IT'S OKAY, we put it our best and it's all that matters! :)
I would like another camp with the same group of instructors but i don't think it's possible yeah? This was
possibly and
positively the best camp ever because our instructors were like the best
EVER. They aren't like
"oh i just need to do what i need to do.." or anything like that, they taught us life values and showed us as long as we tried our best, nothing else matters.
They even made a video of us and showed it to us during the campfire. *touched* Seriously, how many schools gets this? Not many, i can tell you.
So many many thanks to
TANJONG KATONG SECONDARY SCHOOL for letting us have this opportunity to go through the camp. I am pretty sure we've learnt alot from this. Also, plenty of thanks to the
teachers who went with us and took care of us, and xoxo
(hugs and kisses) to
instructors who changed our life in a way during this camp.
Love and hugs,Your Highness xxx